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Sunday 21 November 2010

Thank you!

Just a quick note to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped out and came down to the album launch. Top night all-round, hope everyone's enjoying the CDs.
Mail orders will be getting sorted this week, as will download options via Bandcamp. We'll probably sort something out on itunes in time but they're more expensive for you, less return for us and lower quality. So i really do recommend the bandcamp alternative.
Anyway, enough sales for this week, i'm knackered.
Thanks again
Drew and Hils


NickPheas said...

Got a track listing for A Driven Man?

Insert shows 11 titles and iTunes wants to rip 12.

Drew Stephenson said...

aha, the hidden track 12 hey? Wondered how that would work with downloads!
It's called A Ballad of Installations