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Monday 18 May 2009


...because it's not really news.
Quick reminder that we're playing the Red Lion in Otley again on the 4th of June. Lovely little pub, very friendly and really nice to play. We're trying to sort out a support act so if you know anyone who might be interested please let me know.
Progress on the album has been very slow recently as the day job has eaten my life. This should change a bit from next month though and hopefully things will start picking up. In the meantime the good doctor and I will be playing a wedding at the weekend. This has taken some fairly serious investigation to try and find an hour's worth of songs that aren't about death, we might have sneaked a couple of the more subtle ones in though ;¬)
In the meantime, would you like a sneak preview of the artwork for the new album? Comment and let me know

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