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This is the site for music, click here for my blog on other stuff
and here for the Rough to Release blog series on finishing your songs.

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Gig news!

A gig you say? An actual live performance of music in front of an audience?
Is such a thing possible?
Yes indeed it is!
On the 5th June, we'll be supporting FIR at the Samuel Worth Chapel in Sheffield.
It's a lovely venue and should be a cracking night, but it's also pretty small so you'll need to be spritely with the tickets.
I say 'we' above because fortunately I'll be joined by Alex the Crazy Dane on guitar and Dr Jones on cello. Which means we'll sound good.

The venue:


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Maggie Carter and the Angels - New Single Out Now

 It's new music day!

Maggie Carter and the Angels is now on all your favourite streaming platforms. And the other ones, we don't discriminate round here.

You used to be able to add links to pictures in blogger but I'm bolloxed if I know how to do it now, here's the smart link thing that you need:

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Maggie Carter and the Angels now on Bandcamp

 Whilst I work on the next EP, here's a little single to keep things ticking over. Inspired by a joke originally from Hancock's Half Hour.

On all the big platforms next week, but all you lucky bandcampers get it early!

Sunday, 2 February 2025

For your streaming pleasure...

Apparently you can do stuff with these links, like pre-save a track... that's going to be released globally... for no charge... Why would you do that anyway? But you can!

And it'll be on Bandcamp a bit earlier for all the wonderful people there too.

Friday, 31 January 2025

New Single coming 19 Feb

 Quick heads up that the new single will be out in just over a fortnight on all the usual platforms (and a bit ahead of that for all you wonderful bandcamp people)